We provide our students with skills, knowledge and an attitude that enables them to diagnose, repair and service computerized vehicles. That is why our students are highly sought by high-tech companies and by prestigious parastatals and garages here in Kenya. There are different programs as highlighted in the table below.
Course Details
School of Automotive Engineering

Course | Requirements | Duration | Exam Body | Fees |
Diploma in Automotive Engineering Module I Module II Module III | KCSE C-(minus) or pass in craft Certificate | 3 terms each | KNEC | 16,500 Per Term |
Craft in Automotive Technology Module I Module II | KCSE D (plain) or Pass in Artisan Certificate | 3 terms each | KNEC | 15,400 Per Term |
Artisan in Motor Vehicle Mechanic | KCSE | 3 terms | KNEC | 14,300 Per Term |
Motor Vehicle Mechanics Grade III Grade II Grade I | KCSE/KCPE or practicing Jua kali Artisans Pass in Grade III Pass in Grade II | 2 Terms each | NITA | 12,100 Per Term |
Motor Vehicle Electrician Grade III Grade II Grade I | KCSE/KCPE or practicing Jua kali Artisans Pass in Grade III Pass in Grade II | 2 Terms each | NITA | 12,100 Per Term |
Motor Vehicle Fabrication Grade III Grade II Grade I | KCSE/KCPE or practicing Jua kali Artisans Pass in Grade III Pass in Grade II | 2 Terms each | NITA | 12,100 Per Term |
Computerized Motor Vehicle Diagnostic System Certificate | MVE/MVM/KCPE/KCSE/ Diploma/Artisan /Craft/Practicing Jua Kali Artisans | 2 weeks | KCITI | 11,100 |
Motor Cycle Repair | KCPE/KCSE/ Practicing Jua Kali Artisans | 2 months | KCITI | 11,100 |
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Grade III Grade II Grade I | KCPE/KCSE Pass in Grade III Pass in Grade II | 2 Terms 2 Terms 2 Terms | NITA NITA NITA | 13,800 per term 13,800 per term 13,800 per term |
Welding Grade III Grade II Grade I | KCPE/KCSE Pass in Grade III Pass in Grade II | 2 Terms 2 Terms 2 Terms | NITA NITA NITA | 13,800 per term 13,800 per term 13,800 per term |
Exam Bodies